Send Me Your Ideas (and Encouragement)
Hey Friends! As I mentioned in my post a while back, my life has changed drastically in the past year--I'm now living and working in Yosemite National Park. When I first arrived here, my lifestyle wouldn't really have allowed me to make efforts to be environmentally-conscious (it's a long story), but now I am staying in a lovely apartment where I can live like a regular person again.
This means it's time to get back to being eco-friendly. But where to start? I don't think I can go back to giving up plastic entirely, but I know it's time to cut back. I also want to reduce the waste I produce generally, including plastic, and cut down on how much meat I'm eat.
But what do you recommend? What should be some first steps as I get back on the bandwagon?
I remember from my trip a few years ago how visitors were encouraged to take home the garbage they brought into the parc, but maybe you could start a campaign in Yosemite on trying not to bring too much/any plastic in to start with. You could use your previous experience as an example on how to do this.
You live in such a beautiful part of the world. I am very jealous!