Composting Resources

As a follow-up to my recent post on composting, I wanted to provide a more comprehensive collection of online resources on the subject.

After many hours of reviewing the info available on the world wide web, I've determined that the links below lead to some of the best sources of info.

If you're interested in starting a compost pile or bin, I would definitely recommend checking them out.

From the University of Illinois:
From the EPA:
From GardenWeb:
  • The Soil, Compost, and Mulch Forum (You can glance through old threads or post your own question. Since most of the people answering posts on this site are very knowledgeable and super dedicated, chances are you'll have a good answer within a few hours.)
From Planting Milkwood:
(Note that Planting Milkwood is a site created by two Australians with darling accents who decided to give up their artist lives in Melbourne and start a sustainable farm called Milkwood. Also note that three of these links contain very cute videos about composting that provide a nice visual on what good compost looks like.)
From Sustainable Dave:
Photo courtesy of the Warwickshire County Council.


Going Crunchy said…

Wow! I wanted to let you know that my hard to convince hubby so got into your post. The pictures really helped explain to him that it won't be stinky and such and that yes, we can all compost.

If you saw our winnings.....some of that will go to a composter and garden. Yippiee!!! Shannon
Jeanne said…
Awesome! How exciting. Are you planning on doing vermicomposting? Or just keeping a bin or pile outside?
Sam said…
Shannon, my Spouse was also less than enthusiastic about my decision to vermicompost (but knows better than to stop me when I'm determined). So we agreed on some rules: it's my problem, it can't stink, and it can't attract extra critters. It's been in our basement for over a year now with no problems! And, we have the prettiest flowers on our paved urban block. A minor accomplishment, but still. :-)

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