In Time

I have exciting news to share. My blog and I were featured in the Time Magazine article, The Truth About Plastic!

If you're a new reader, thank you for stopping by. It means a lot to me to know that you're interested in what I'm doing and that you may even be thinking about or already trying to reduce your own plastic consumption.

That said, here's a summary of some of my favorite and/or most popular posts for those of you visiting Life Less Plastic for the first time.
As you read, please feel free to leave comments. Your input is extremely valuable to me and, I'm sure, to other readers. We can't wait to hear your ideas!

Finally, if you're interested in further reading on going plastic-free, I recommend you check out the blog Fake Plastic Fish. Written by Beth Terry, a fellow environmentalist from far-away California, the blog contains tons of in-depth info and thoughtful discussion.

P.S. Regular readers, I just want to say thanks to you as well. I always appreciate your feedback and am so happy to have the opportunity to share my adventures (and mis-adventures) with you.


ruchi said…
Congrats! That's pretty cool!
AP said…
Congrats! My boyfriend told me about the article by saying 'some person with a blog is trying to cut out all plastic' and I got super excited and said 'which one, who is it, where's she from?' I follow you and Fake Plastic Fish. It's excellent to see press coverage on this.
Laura said…
Rock on! Congrats to you. :D
Anonymous said…
Jeanne, this is amazing! How did it happen? I'm glad to see plastics continue to get national coverage!
Unknown said…
Congratulations! My husband and I have been reading your blog and trying to be as plastic free as you (failing miserably); but I'm glad you got some great coverage!!!
Anonymous said…
Hi. I read the article in TIME and decided to check out your site.
Try this book: Grow Hair Fast, by Riquette Hofstein.
It's not really about growing your hair. It has recipes and a whole system for homemade shampoos and treatment from teas mixed with soaps. I love the system and, although my goal wasn't to cut plastics, it was to cut chemicals. This does both.
I store my products in glass containers. And there is more than just hair recipes in here. It includes face and body stuff too.
Good Luck!
Sandy said…
That's where I found your site! You're an inspiration.
kittenmasks said…
Hey -- I found your blog via Time magazine (it's sitting right in front of me right now), and just wanted to say that I love what you're doing! I just ordered my first klean kanteen from REI, which will definitely cut back on my plastic at the coffee shop & even within the office. Thanks for the tips!
Anonymous said…
I just read an article on TIME magazine. I grew up as a disposable generation, but you made me aware the reality, and it's time for me
to stand up to try to make a difference for myself and for
the planet. Thank you, You're an inspiration.
Nistera said…
I found your blog through the TIME article as well. I've been trying to do the same thing as you have, but it's kind of difficult since I'm a senior in high school: still living with my parents and all. They're relatively eco-conscious, but not willing to try everything I am. I try though, and we have drastically reduced our plastic consumption over the past year. Congrats on making TIME!
Going Crunchy said…
Hooray for you! I'm so excited for you! What a major boost.

Um, seems like your new roomies will now know about the less plastic.

Great job getting the word out, and good karma for the blog world. Shannon
The Time article led me here, too. I looked up your blog because I'm trying to find some non-plastic alternative to tupperware -- lightweight metal, maybe? But then it would probably have a rubber rim around the lid... Glass, but same problem plus it's heavy and breakable. Bamboo?
If you've posted on this I couldn't find it. Any ideas?
Anonymous said…
Wow - that's very cool - congratulations and keep up the great work of inspiring people across the world :)

Mrs G x
Anonymous said…
Plastic is in almost everything, what are the alternatives? What can we use?
Anonymous said…
I read a report about your blog on Time magazine and I decided that I'll also make my own blog. Congratulations for your mission not only for yourself but also for others benefit.
That is great news! Congratulations. It is wonderful that you have been able to communicate your ideas to so many people.

I also appreciate the traffic at that comes from your site and hope you have been getting some traffic in return.

Best wishes, Jim

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